con_textos with Rosa Llop
The book cover as an object of expression
The book cover is an exceptional tool for communicating. It is a window that readers can look into and also a canvas on which publishers, designers and artists reflect their personality.
In this workshop we will explore the language of book covers, their expressive character and the methodology for producing them. The aim is to provide participants with the context and tools needed to tackle the creation of book covers, as well as to make a ludic reflection on the expressive capacity of graphic language.
The methodology of the workshop mixes theoretical content with practice and consists of three phases. The first involves observation of case studies that will offer us a panoramic view of the sector, in which to detect the different approaches for building a communication strategy. The second phase, which has a theoretical character, will enable us to understand the process of creating covers as a structured process of taking decisions. Finally, employing ludic techniques we will explore the different forms of symbolising a message visually, and we will make our proposals converge in tangible prototypes.
Practical information
The workshop is aimed at professionals from the publishing and design sector, artists interested in the book as an object of expression, and students of graphic design and visual arts.
Dates and times: Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 October, from 16h to 20h.
Free workshop, limited number of places, prior registration required. Register by sending an email before Tuesday 17 to and answering the following questions: Why are you interested in the workshop? In what fields do you usually work?
Rosa Llop is a designer and a professor at Elisava-UPF, UOC and BAU-Uvic. Her experience in the publishing sector includes designing books and magazines (Daniel Gil Prize2008 and 2010) and curating exhibitions (Petits editors, Grans llibres. FAD 2009 - CCCB 2010). She is a professor of typographical composition and digital publication and a director of the Master’s Degree in Project Design for Internet at ELISAVA-UPF. Her line of research is criticism of the software for publishing on the WWW in relation to the graphic design opportunities provided to users. The development of her research activity is focused on the systematic study of the mechanisms that govern the graphic message, concretely those related to publishing design. As a result of this research, she published the book “Sistema gráfico para las cubiertas de libro. Hacia un lenguaje de parámetros [Graphic System for Book Covers. Towards a Language of Parameters]” (Gustavo Gili, 2014).