La máquina de cultura crítica
The General Directorate of Cultural Promotion of the Community of Madrid continues its activities with the third edition of the Madrid 45 training program. The goal of this program, directed by Sergio Rubira, is to complement those aspects not included in academic visual arts programs, encourage debate on the most contemporaneous artistic production and energise the artistic context of the Community of Madrid.
This workshop will be dedicated to analysing the self-cartography that consonni, the art producer and publisher, has elaborated over more than twenty years. In this process productions and publications will be mapped, commenting on ways of doing, and discovering networks of collaboration for uncovering the production apparatus that underpins this project.
In addition, the participants in the workshop will have the opportunity to collectively create a small podcast with the collaboration of the sound technician Alberto de la Hoz. Walter Benjamin claimed that the radiophonic medium is a daring technique that “not only mobilizes knowledge in the direction of the public, but mobilizes the public in the direction of knowledge”.
The workshop given by consonni is structured in five sessions:
- 19 September, 19.30 h. Conversation between consonni and Sergio Rubira. Open to the general public.
- 20, 21 and 22 September, from 16.30 h to 19.30 h. and 23 September from 11.00 a 14.00 h: Work sessions (only for people registered)
- 23 September, 19,30 h. Presentation of the results of the workshop. Open to the general public.
Aimed at: undergraduate students of Fine Arts, History of Art, History and related degrees, postgraduate and doctoral students, artists, curators, art critics and those interested in writing about art.
Place: Sala El Águila, planta 3ª. C/ Ramírez de Prado, 3. 28045 – MADRID
Maximum number of participants: 20 people.
Requirements and registration procedure: applications to attend the workshop must be sent to the email address:, including a curriculum of not more than 200 words and a covering letter explaining why the applicant is interested in attending. The subject of the message must state: Solicitud de participación en el taller La máquina de cultura crítica; and the body of the message must provide the following details: first name and surname(s), DNI/NIE number, full postal address, email address and a contact telephone number. The participants will be selected by consonni and Sergio Rubira on the basis of this documentation. When notification of acceptance to attend the workshop has been received, confirmation is required. If such confirmation is not received, the next applicant on the list will be informed.
Requests will not be accepted after the deadline and those requests that do not meet the specified requirements will not be considered. An unjustified absence from more than two sessions will mean not being able to participate in any further workshop of the program.
Registrations: from 1 to 8 September at: