Año de publicación
Idioma de la publicación
Diseño gráfico
Olaia Miranda

compilation consonni audiovisual archive 1&2

The consonni archive is a selection of works produced by consonni. It is an achievement of the originally co-produced with Arteleku and now extended from 1997 to 2008. Consisting of two DVDs, the first contains works by: Jon Mikel Euba, Sergio Prego, David Domingo and Matthieu Laurette. And the second: Ibon Aranberri, Hinrich Sachs, Andrea Fraser, Begoña Muñoz, Itziar Okariz, Olmo and Iratxe Saioa Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum.


This file does not have the status of art work, it is documentation. It is for personal, educational and development use. It is not allowed to generate any economic gain from it.