Killed By Trend
Menos mal que nos quedan los libros, para sentir que no estamos solos y para aprender los nuevos códigos de conducta que quizá ,a nuestros pesar, nos esperan. El diablo sabe mi nombre, de Jacinta Escudos, una recopilación de relatos donde reflexionar y huir de la realidad existente.
¿Ser cocodrilo es ser indigna porque todavía tienes derecho al placer, derecho al salvajismo de ser libre? ¿Ser cocodrila significa tener derecho a tu sexualidad, a la vida sin pudor que caracteriza la infancia y a la protagonista de esta historia?
Killed by trend
Jacinta Escudos se erige como una visionaria de mundos tristes y desamparados donde una llama de calor hace más llevadera la existencia entre entre la fantasía de lo que se perdió y la añoranza de recuperar lo perdido.
El huffington post, 17/01/2020
Los deseos íntimos entre lo soñado y la realidad los desvela la salvadoreña Jacinta Escudos en El diablo sabe mi nombre (consonni)..
El asombrario, 21/12/2019
Los 14 cuentos que forman ‘El diablo sabe mi nombre’, el nuevo libro de la escritora salvadoreña Jacinta Escudos, tienen en común la transgresión. Todos rompen fronteras y límites, entre el sexo masculino y el femenino, entre lo onírico y lo real, entre seres humanos y animales, entre locos y cuerdos, entre la vida, la fantasía y la muerte. “Gran parte del material del libro, un 75% quizá, está basado en sueños que tuve”.
El Diablo sabe mi nombre
“Jacinta Escudos’ texts are a gaze that subverts the real, the univocal vision of literary realism. Not so as to evade that reality, but to attain a deeper vision (…) Escudos is one of the most outstanding representatives of this tendency in Central American literature today.”
Lilian Fernández Hall
These short stories create their own universe where everything is allowed: transformations, parallel realities, splits, anthropophagy, mutations. The tales that make up El Diablo sabe mi nombre (The Devil Knows My Name) are very different from one another, but they have two questions in common. On the one hand, transgression, the desire to step beyond a frontier that is normally uncrossable: the frontiers between the male and female sexes, between humans and animals, between madness and sanity, or between life and death. On the other hand, the oneiric: over half of the 14 tales were dreams of the author that she transformed into tales without trying to subject them to a rational interpretation, allowing the darkness to talk, exploring those deep zones that we do not fully understand. Their fantastic character is what unites them as a book. Although this book evinces a deep disgust with human beings who destroy their environment and, above all, an evident rebellion against the roles imposed on men and women, the great majority of the tales are about characters who do something to change their lot.
Jacinta Escudos is Salvadorian. She writes novels, short stories, journalistic chronicles and essays. Winner of the X Floral Games of El Salvador 2001, short story section, for her book Crónicas para sentimentales (Chronicles for the Sentimental) and the 1st “Mario Monteforte Toledo” Central American Prize for Fiction (2003), for her novel A-B-Sudario (A-B-Shroud). Her writings have been translated into English, German and French. Her work appears in numerous anthologies published in Latin America, the United States and Europe.