Going Public -Telling it as it is? // OJO

23 de marzo, Relatos Expandidos
Pabellón6 ZAWP (Ribera de Deusto 47) Bilbao

OJO creará en Bilbao una performance que combina la conferencia, la entrevista, la lectura y la composición musical.

Ojo es un grupo formado por la colaboración de artistas y músicos formado por  Joshua Aster, Chris Avitabile, Juan Capistran, Justin Cole, Moises Medina, Eamon Ore-Giron y Brenna Youngblood. OJO ofrece música experimental que se adentra en ritmos armónicos y trascendentales grupales. Uno de los objetivos principales de OJO es la de eliminar la barrera que tradicionalmente se genera entre el público y los performers, de manera que cuando uno se adentra en la performance se convierte instantáneamente en un miembro de la 'banda'. La forma en que esto se consigue es mediante la construcción de composiciones que incluyen sencillos gestos musicales, tales como aplaudir, silbar, cantar, etc. http://ojoojo.com/

23 March, Expanded stories
Pabellón6 ZAWP (Ribera de Deusto 47) Bilbao

OJO will create in Bilbao a performance that combines conference, interview, lecture and musical composition.

OJO is a collaborative art and music group that consists of Joshua Aster, Chris Avitabile, Juan Capistran, Justin Cole, Moises Medina, Eamon Ore-Giron, Brenna Youngblood and various audiences. OJO performs experimental music that delves into transcendental rhythms and communal harmonics. One major aspect of OJO's events aims to remove the barrier between the audience and the performers, so that when one enters the show's environment they instantly become a member of the 'band'. The way in which this is achieved is by constructing compositions that involve simple music making gestures such as clapping, whistling, chanting, etc. and arranging these elements in a way that creates a texture of communal sound. The audience is coaxed into participating by direct contact with the 'performers (OJO)'.


Going Public -Telling it as it is? // OJO