con_textos @June Crespo @Elena Aitzkoa
con_textos @June Crespo @Elena Aitzkoa. Bulk and text
Practical workshop in which we will work on the idea of edition through proposals linked with the sculptural and poetic practice of Elena Aitzkoa and June Crespo.
We will glide through the impropriety of languages steering the force of desire so as to penetrate the limits of form. Mainly text and sculptural bulk, in both directions and halting at the crossings. Appreciating the moment when the image begins to shape and decide what it wants to be objectified as.
We’d like to be able to share material you all bring and take it to another point in the dimensionality of the space. Folding it, unfolding it, spreading it out, disseminating it, squeezing it...
*Participants will have to bring books, magazines and some object they’re interested in or whose shape or contents they are drawn by. Should there be people who work at writing it’d be appreciated if they could bring texts of their own.
Practical information:
Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23 July, from 11.00 to 14.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00, in consonni (c/Conde Mirasol 13-LJ1D, Bilbao).
Free workshop with prior registration, places limited.
Registration before Monday 20 July writing to
Addressed to: artists, writers, art criticism professionals, curators, professionals involved in teaching art, critical pedagogy… in short, professionals and enthusiasts attracted by artistic practices and writing in their different facets, versions, possibilities…
con_textos consists of a series of non-regulated training workshops with a working focus on the idea of edition in the full sense of its meaning and in relation with artistic practices.
June Crespo (Pamplona 1982) lives and Works in Bilbao
Approaches sculpture from a broad perspective, producing objects that stand at the meeting point of assemblage, collage and camera-less photography. Last projects include her recent exhibition Cosa y tú (Carreras Múgica, Bilbao 2015) and the publications Escanografías Vol.1/.2 CO-OP 2009-2011. Group exhibitions include Hitting it off (P-exclamation New York 2014); Wild Things (The Green Parrot, Barcelona 2014); Pareidolia (Bacelos, Madrid, 2014); Quarter System ( Pamplona, 2013) Mitya (Ciudadela Pamplona 2012) Pop Politics: Activisms at 33 Revolutions (CA2M, Madrid, 2012); Esta puerta pide clavo (Tatjana Pieters Gallery, Ghent, 2012); ; Before everything (CA2M, Madrid, 2010).