abril 2014
Altamente recomendable. Para todos aquellos (y yo me incluyo) que recelan del arte no contextualizado, que se presenta en abstracto son estar refereido a un momento en la hostirao de la sociedad que lo contempla y lo ve nacer, este volumen es necesario.
Gara, 13 de marzo de 2014
Para Rodríguez, estos textos «son ensayos concentradísimos; una columna de opinión no
permite explayarse en el comentario de una exposición o de un libro... Sin embargo, permite un ejercicio parecido a ir atando aforismos».
Zutabeak. Microensayos sobre arte, cultura y sociedad
Between January 2009 and November 2012 the author published a hundred opinion columns in the newspaper Gara, firstly in the cultural supplement “Mugalari” (which he coordinated for a number of years, covering the plastic arts field) and later in the “Kultura” section of the same paper.
A hundred columns distributed throughout the landscape of art and contemporary society, an important selection of which are offered in the book.
This collection of brief texts (micro-essays) is backed up by graphic collaborations from artists including: Ibon Sáenz de Olazagoitia, Natxo Rodriguez Arkaute, Iñaki Larrimbe, Anabel Quincoces, Txaro Arrazola, Txus Melendez, Txuspo Poyo, Detritus, Estíbaliz Sadaba, Lourdes Soto, Félix Pérez Hita, Enrique Flores, Mauro Entrialgo and Santi Ochoa. And the introduction of Gabriel Villota.
The contributions widen the scope of the writings and project them toward a new form of expression and reception. The images are also thought; thinking image is a way of capturing things that escape the grasp of words. Our work increasingly involves an engagement with both images and texts. The book is expressed in possible thematic clusters: “profiles”, “politics”, “to do with art” and “others”, the idea being to set off unexpected intersections of meaning.
Arturo fito Rodríguez Bornaetxea.
Writes periodically in specialised press dealing with art and contemporary culture.
Currently teaches in the Department of Art and Technology at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country EHU/UPV. Was a founder of the artistic action collective SEAC (1994 - 1998) and the collective 'Fundación Rodríguez', executing artistic and cultural projects between 1994 and 2012.
The following are some of the projects he has curated:
“Beste Bat. Una mirada al rock radical vasco” (jointly with Miren Jaio) in the Sala Rekalde in Bilbao. 2004; 'Stand by: TV' for Caixaforum, Barcelona 2007; 'Panel de control: Interruptores críticos para una sociedad vigilada' at the Centro de Arte de Sevilla 2007; 'Spots electorales: el espectáculo de la democracia' (jointly with Jorge Luis Marzo) Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona, 2008; 'Jaime Davidovich: Morder la mano que te da de comer', 2010, Artium, Vitoria-Gasteiz…
Was a member of the curatorial group “Madrid Abierto” (2004-2008), of the selection committee for HAMACA (hamacaonline.net), and served on the jury for the plastic arts show INJUVE (1999 - 2001), as he also did for other visual arts exhibitions.
He has produced scripts for the RTVE programme. 'Soy Cámara, el programa del CCCB', and for shorts and documentaries. His audio-visual work is distributed by HAMACA http://www.hamacaonline.net.